Latin name:Medicago sativa linn
Deep rooting plants improve the structure of the subsoil. Grows to about 1cm high and winter hardy. A great nitrogen fixer.
Plot Type:Outdoor plot
Class:Green Manure
Where To Sow: Sow from April to July at the rate of 1kg per 400 sq metres. Does well in dry conditions. Dislikes acid soils. Lightly rake the soil surface after sowing.
What To Do Next: Dig or plough in when plants are fresh and green. If grown for the long term, Alfalfa should be cut down 2-3 times a year, this will encourage new growth. Hardy perennial fits with legumes in rotation.
Handy Tip: Keep soil moist at all times.
Nutritional Value: Vitamin C & K
Companion Plants: General vegetables