Latin£ºBorago officinalis
Herb Borage
Herb Borage (Hardy Annual & Perennial) is a beautiful bushy herb with leaves covered in silvery hairs and blue flowers loved by bees. Has a cucumber like flavour and the leaves when chopped make a traditional soup.
Plot Type:Outdoor plot, pots or containers
Class:Hardy annual herb
Where To Sow: Sow sparingly in final position in drills 5mm deep.
What To Do Next: Thin out to roughly 20 cm apart. Borage will grow in almost any soil or light conditions as long as not too wet.
Handy Tip: The young leaves can be used in salads, and the flowers can be added to drinks or salads.
Nutritional Value: A very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Niacin, Calcium & Iron.
Companion Plants: Often planted close to tomato plants to encourage polination by bees.